So I've been doing some reading since I'm back in Sing... I love the feeling of being able to sit down with a good book in hand, my cold cup of milk, lying on the ever familiar 'chinese-ancient' style sofa in my living room. Its quiet and surreal, which is much needed as an evasion from the hustles & bustles outside my little house & the blasting heat rays.
Been reading this book 'INto the Wild' by Jon Krakauer, which has recently been documented as a motion picture with the similar title, as directed by Sean Penn. REading the book for one thing, didn quite hit me on the impact of Chris McCandless's story, till I caught this afternoon's Oprah Winfrey's show guest featuring Sean Penn, Jon Krakauer, Emile Hirsch, & Chris McCandless's sister (the narrator in the motion picture). IT was interesting to see how total strangers (other than his sister) spoke of Chris McCandless as if they knew him personally, when Sean Penn describes why he decided to make this story a motion picture, Emile Hirsch recounts of reliving experiences Chris McCandless experienced, Jon Krakauer defends the boy from responsibility towards his own death. All in all, they know what Chris McCandless did and they are awed at what he did. Probably, by directing an independent film, assuming an ill-begotten role , investigating and penning an unkown story were their individual methods of 'going into the wild', a form of emulating Chris's motto of escaping realities and mundanes of life to live out life as it is.
Then again, how many can adhere to this, to what Chris has done, to live out life as it is, without bothering about the eye of others, without having a concern for the concerns of this world. We'd need a hell lot of guts like Chris McCandless.
The past couple of days has been a time of exercise for my brain. My mind has been filled with thoughts about what 2008 is gonna be like. Unlike 2007, when i had such a grip over what i was gonna be doing or thinking; this year, i have no idea whats in store for me. The feeling of inadequacy irks me, and the story about Chris McCandless resonates this inadequacy. LOved ones around me whom I saw 4 months ago, seem to have aged and grown in weary. Serving as a reminder that its time to grow up, and do some serious thinking....