Woke up late today...kinda the only day this week where i got the chance to do so... its been early wake-ups the past week, especially on tue/thurs @ 7! gosh.... well, i was kinda sleepwalking the whole day in school anyway.. so whats new;)
Hui qin & i planned to do laundry this morning.. kinda like my 1st time doing it?! ooops... she had to teach me how to separate the colours and all.. well, i taught her how to differentiate the dryer and washer... haha.. she mistakenly placed the clothes in the dryer thinking that it was the washer! ooops... well, our clothes turned out safe and nice-smelling anyway... so not too bad!
Then, we went to St Denis to do some walking. I love that place!!! i found the PERFECT boots at this second hand antique shop.. they've got lotsa such shops there anyway. i totally love that place.. and it looks perfect with the heels and height... and size! funny thing is... i couldn zip it up at my calf! i'd like to believe that the boots arent designed well rather than the fact that i've fat calfes. so yeah... and there's a couple of old record shops that sell LOTSA jazz/rock stuff?! in vinyl records!!! i found some QUEEN & malajube (thats the french band playing on my blog btw) vinyl records! i was soo tempted to buy... even though the fact that i dun really have something called a vinyl record player?! who cares... i can juz show them off;) haha.. well, being a rational purchaser, of course i didnt buy it... well, next time, we'll see how it goes;)
St Denis.. sorry, this pic isnt that nice looking... haha..
my vinyl records shop! i had to take a pic of it....
we were so tired from walking.. we found a place to have sushi! HAha.. freaking expensive sushi i've had in my whole life.. its montreal anyway, so yeah.. hahaa.. some pics of the SUPER EXP. sushi we had... we were so greedy we had 2 boxes!!! we had a long... lunch cum dinner.. juz sitting there and 'enjoying' what the montreal-ers would call their BEST weather but singaporeans the hot and humid singapore weather. lunch-time view:D
sushih lunch! that costs CAD$10 btw... which is $15 sing!
our sushi bentos at the end of the day...
of course, we couldn end the day like that. i convinced the other peeps to go to a jazz place, despite Kent's incessant naggings that we've to (i quote) "take advantage of the weather". He was practically flipping to the weather network and quoting the temperatures. Basically he juz wanna bring across the msg that the weather is good and we shld stay outdoors! AHha.. well, didn regret going INDOORS though... went to the HOUSE OF JAZZ, this jazz bar... (http://www.houseofjazz.ca/) its good! at least better than what i heard in sing... they had this electronic keyboard in the band which was really cool... he was kinda incoroporating techno kepyboard into the jazz music... haha it blended in juz nice.. sweet... too bad we didn get to see the show cos we had bar seats... but it was all right.. it was good music for the ears:D i need to check out the drum playing the next time! the ambience was good too... a nice outdoor terrace for diners and indoor area with a cosy stage and BIG chandeliers.. big old school posters of jazz legends hanging up on the walls.... totally JAZZY ambience! (P.S. andre... you're gonna love this!)
well, of course, we ended up walking up SAINT LAURENT to check out the nite life. seriously, the whole of montreal seems to be outside! it was REALLY hyped up... hahaha... so yeah... it kinda reminded me of the last supper when everyone is juz doing last minute work be4 winter comes... and their happy humid and hot weather will be gone.... awww... but i guess nothing can stop these montreal-ers from partying... HAha.. not even the cold winds and hurricanes..