Next cake stop: "cho'cola" @ monkland village. It was featured in the magazine as well... i'm going to go broke trying out cakes;)
I'm a dreamer. I am unrealistic. I'm a sinner, but I try to stay optimistic. I see the norm as abnormal. The norms make me mull. Life is short. Live life to the fullest.

Friday, August 31, 2007
Mont Royal
Next cake stop: "cho'cola" @ monkland village. It was featured in the magazine as well... i'm going to go broke trying out cakes;)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Vieux Montreal aka Old Montreal
seriously, mcgill's just filled with people from all over the world: korea (no offense, but they are simply at every part of the world as validated by sona), france, australia, japan, china.... so yeah... it was something different. AT least we had free pizza for lunch;) we even went to the 'street fest' following the orientation to grab some free food. Apparently, it didn work out well and we found nothing to eat... hehhee.. yes, stingy us. Beer met up with us and we had vietnamese noodles. Kinda yucky, the beef had some smell. I think the one at melbourne city is probably still the best;)
I was soo exhausted by that time, we juz had to go home for me to slack around.... before we headed to old montreal in the evening. it was around 2 blocks away from our place, so its kinda near. Yes... walking again. I'd probably lose weight rather than gain weight at the end of all these...
Oh before, i forget, some pics of my house and the neighbourhood:D
night life scene at old montreal with street artistes, buskers n LOTSA restaurants...
sorry... i have LOTSA photos and videos but this is taking forever to upload! yucky blogspot. I'll try again the next time, my eyes are totally closing.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
jet lagged morning at 330AM (CAD TIME)

Yes, thats me on a jetlagged morning... i woke up at 330am and couldn return to sleep! took a shower, blow dryed my hair and still i'm wide awake... so thats bored out von at 0500am CAD time. Naturally, my house mates are fast asleep... i'd most probably be zonked out 12 hours from now with a splitting headache... how nice.. to think that i was sleeping queen in AJ where i could sleep anywhere and anytime.. no kidding... AJ peeps would know...
anyway, i cant believe that i'm saying this, but i think i'm homesick...
i miss blowdyring my hair in front of the tv.
i miss channel surfing on my cable tv (did i mention that the house doesn have a tv? well, no biggie for me, atm).
i miss daddy's fried rice.
i miss mummy's nags at me for saying that i'd eat dinner when i end up missing it at the end of the day.. so she'll have to eat more, and that makes her fat.. thats what she claims at least;)
i miss the edge, when the quirky boys aka youths would juz make me laugh at their goffiness and lame sense of humor, i miss the big band music at the edge, i miss my little carpenter workshop kids (especially jaden!).. currently still trying to locate an apt church to attend... could hillsong church juz come here, that'll really be great. (cindy, could you arrange that?)
i miss my sweet frens...
well, i guess its some initial stage thingy. I think i'll get over it yeah?! hehe.... gonna go for Discover mcgill orientation session in a while... followed by shopping! then a tour of 'vieux montreal' neighbourhood.... i think i'm blogging a LITLE too much... hahaha... ttyl:D
mcgill uni!
it was really a day for errands.. visited the bank, applied our prepaid cards (cell phone isage is REALLY expensive...: 20cents per outgoing/incoming minute. how nice...), attended the exchange students info session which was kinda crappy and useless. so yeah.. i was suffering from jet lag. The fact that we kinda lost our way (yes audrey, i admit i'm bad at directions) added to my headache... we found our way back at the end of the day, after walking for like half an hour... great way to lose some weight!
then we had POUTINE for dinner... thats pronounced as PU-TINE. Its basically french fries with melted cheese and gravy.. totally sinful... hahaa.. it was all right for me. apparently, its supposed to be one of MTL's good food... hehe. walked to the international film festival.. again... to check out french films with no subtitles today. So i totally couldn make out what it was about, except for a couple of words here and there like 'parfait', 'magnifique', 'si' etc... too stressful for my brain... Anyway, sorry no pics. I'm too lazy to upload... hehe.. i'll TRY to upload the next time:D
Monday, August 27, 2007
I'm in montreal!
1. nice pretty victorian house
2. French everywhere!
3. mini singaporean community
4. idenity crisis!
It was nice coming to see a nice and furnished house! you must check out my place... it rocks. All thanks to Kent. I'll post pics soon. i think.. if i get to do it:D Hui Qin & i kinda 'bullied' gab. and took teh bigger rooms for ourselves.. well, i offered to cook for him meals. so yeah... hehehe.. he has to eat whatever i cook though. So yeah... now cindy is totally envious of my place... so yeah... this will be my room for the next 4 months or so...
And... though montreal is really a BILINGUAL (french and ENglish) city (so they say... ) people basically speak french everywhere. They do speak english, but probably minimal english. It's interesting for me though, cos i'll get to recollect my forgotten french from a year ago.
We came to find a WHOLE bunch of singaporeans from NUS: up to 8 of them i guess! well, it felt like we were having a small little singaporean NUS community in montreal. IT was nice to see friendly faces around though, and even more since they've been around for quite some time. So we get their help in adapting to the place. They brough us (hui qin & i) walking around montreal's "Orchard Road" or rather... hmm...i cant remember the name. ANyway.... i'll remember it soon. We saw strip clubs (no, i'm not going into that), ate this famous hot dog in Old Montreal (so called 'le meilleur hot dog' in old montreal), stopped over at the 'International Film Festival' where they were screening international films (open air). People were just sitting around, at provided white chairs or even any available bench or steps to watch teh Big screen. We left after ATTEMPTING to watch it for 10 seconds cos they only had french subs. Well, i attempted to read the french subs, it was all right i guess.
Last but not least, i totally dun feel like an exchange student... more like a touriste, atm. HAHa.. probably i'll get more used to it once school starts (Crossed fingers for my 2 days study week). school only starts in sep4, so i'll still have a couple more weeks to act like a tourist. Till then, i'll just take it easy. Dun worry mummy, ( i know she wont see this anyway) i'll CONTROL my shopping... First thing on my shopping list though: boots!