Today, we dropped by at 'Wong 1050' for the Microsoft talk. Apparently, they were having free pizzas! HAha.. well, the talk was interesting though. Basically they are McGill graduates currently working in Microsoft who are here to carry out recruitments. People in the room were basically engineering students. And the females made up four. HAHa..
I learnt that there is actually a form of advertising: through gaming. Basically, there's actually this company called 'MASSIVE' which basically advertises for clients through video games such as 'Guitar Hero', 'Halo' whatsoever... Its like when you play those racing games for example, you'd realize these insiduous appearances of big brands like 'Coke' etc on the billboards?! yes, thats what
'Massive' does. Getting out these brands onto the video games. Apparently, their selling point (as compared to other mediums of advertisment such as TV) is the target group of the video gamers as well as the 'impressive' statistics (people juz adore numbers and percentages) of advertising reachability to the masses. But then again, watching the video of a stimulated game got me thinking how much of this advertising materials is actually retained in the gamer's brain?! (think 'short term memory limitations'). Seriously, the gamer would most probably be concentrating so hard on the game and strategy whatsoever, how much of this information is actually retained at the end of the game?! HAHa.. i juz cant help thinking of such stuff. Then again, their objective might juz be to create some form of impression towards that product.
Oh, Hui Qin and i got a free T-shirt from Microsoft! HAha.. didnt manage to grab the X-BOX though. Some Daniel Dude won it anyways. HAha.. it was some raffle lucky draw thingy. I'm satisfied with a stomach full of pizza ( had 3 slices! HAha) and a cute little t-shirt!