We went for free lunch today for teh second time! haha. i'm totally crazy about the free food that mcgill is giving out at SSMU building everyday. Well, Hui qin and the rest arent so enthu. Hehe.. its my kind of food. Considering they cant fathom how i can eat pure brown rice everday. HEHe.. Apparently, this free food thing is ongoing the whole semester. And we only found out in teh last week of semester! ahha.. well, better than nothing.
They're actually petitioning and doing publicity for the poor and hungry in Montreal, promoting some kind of anti-capitalism against the 'rich' who eat buffet at The Reine Elizabeth Hotel. Hui qin asks," How come they can bother to do such stuff?" Well, if you ask me, they're a bunch of motivated and enthusiastic socialist advocates.
Some pic! well, only a couple.
Snow outside house.... Battery went dead on me after taking one pic! hehe...
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