i love the jean-talon market! HAha... went over to check it out this afternoon... we were sooo excited about the food there! and the vegetables and fruits.... and i attempted to try some of my french with the vendors... HAHA.. like 'bonjour', 'merci', 'je parle un peu de francais', 'je parle anglais', 'une douzaine', 'quest-ce que c'est?', 'cafe au lait et un croissant'... its fun! HAha... at least i know they understood my english-french... well, when they THINK that i speak french, they'd reply in REALLY fast french and i'd juz be lost... HAhaa...
anyway, we had fish and chips for lunch. seriously, that was like the best meal i've had in montreal! HAh... the fish was kinda freshly battered and fried. and it was sooo fleshy! i juz had to take a pic of it;) and the best part, its only 6 bucks (cad)! hahhaa.. we were walking around and juz grabbing the free stuff for sampling: nectarine (bought half a dozen of that), peach, fromage.... typical singaporeans... hehehe...

Hui qin & lewis with their lunch!

my fish and chips! check out how fleshy it is!!! i'm sooo amazed with it! haha...

BIG pumpkins... haha for hallowe'en

free sampling:D

yellow long beans...

purple, yellow and green cauliflower! haha.. we bought a BIG bunch of the NORMAL cauliflower though... for 2 bucks!

lewis and his corn.. with lotsa margarine! haha... i added for him...
for tea time, lewis and hui qin had gelato! well, i'm kinda full from yesterday's nite gelato and skipped that for a croissant and cafe at an outdoor cafe. the croissant was good! its crispy not like the soft and dampy type in singapore... well, we kinda had to start moving from our tea time to get stuff for dinner. we bought sausages (spicy pork: they make their own!), a bottle of white wine (super cheap wine here... 10 bucks for a bottle), some nectarines and cheese to go with the 'vin blanc'. we had a really full meal! HAha....

chocolat noir and machtta for lewis and hui qin respectively

afternoon tea time....

my cafe au lait avec un croissant:D
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