NTL, the view was great! It was kinda surreal as you felt like you were entering into the forgotten land.... HAHA.. where civilisation and society doesn seem to be a part of this world... juz trees, the sky and many beavers! hehehe...

Following this, we headed to have lunch in the city area.... it was a quick bite cos hui qing and i were busy shopping at the factory outlets... again. HAHA>. we got a steal: a tommy hilfiger jacket for CAD$8.55 bucks after discount and discount and discount and further discount... you wonder how they could slash the price from CAD198 bucks to CAD98 then to CAD9.99 then CAD8.55. HAHA>. then you realize, that humans are juz conscious-minded pple who wouldn mind paying the price for the brand. WEll, i want the brand, but not the price... hehhee... i'd like to think that i'm the smarter bunch fo these 'conscious-minded pple'....
Had another half an hour's drive to MOnt TRemblant. It's an island where the ski resort remains as the centrepiece of attraction. The place looks REALLY great as we got to view the moment when the leaves turn red, followed by a lighter shade of yellow which eventually fall, and the land turns into a white sheet! HAha... Again,, the WHOLE mont tremblant ski mountain is owed by this SUPER rich guy who created this ski mountain concept like 30 years ago!? but it wasnt popular till recent years... what can i say, this SUPER Rich guy thought far...

terrified hui qing on the cable car up... HAHA... oops...

From left: Hui Qing, Shiyin, Sophie and moi:D
From left: Derek, Hong Ye, Lewis & Boon Han
HIghlight of the day! the REAL ski cars!!! HAHA...
random pic....
View from the ski car... it was totally awesome... kinda felt as if you could touch the trees... hehehe...
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