WEnt to CoCo Rico, this portugues chicken place for lunch at the Pleateau in St LAurent. WEll, we were supposed to go to Schawrtz (this place famous for smoked meat), but the Q was juz too long. We couldn be bothered and settled for the chicken place right beside Schawrtz. WEll, schwartz ended up becoming take out for dinner. HEHE.. HHEHe... I've been wanting to try this chicken place for a while! And lo & behold, its good! and.. cheap! HAha.. we shared a place of chicken and ribs. Love teh ribs! N guess what! they have custard in their portuguese egg tart! I love.... custard! HAha... Of course, i tried to order in french. it went all right i guess. HEHe... Oh, and i found this bakery that sells D-O-N-U-T-S. I sooo need to go back there to get 'em. HEHe.. OH, and we caught 'Cirque Du Soleil' on St Laurent. HAha.. literally...
CoCo Rico REsto
See that BIG suckling pig there?! the guy there is SLICING the pig. Yes, slicing it....
Roasted chicken , portuguese style
Fleshy ribs!!! The bread is juz 30 cents! Hha..
My custard filled egg tart!!!
WEnt for Malajube concert in the evening at Metropolis. Beer & i practically waited for 2 hours before they performed! well, some unkown amateur bands were perfoming be4 them. AT least the wait was worth it. Malajube is juz so awesome!!! yes, they sing french songs.... but i juz love their songs! i can understand, provided i read the lyrics. Couldn quite catch what they were saying in between songs, except lots of 'Merci beaucoup'... Hehee... Their playing is juz sooo tight, and they have so much chemistry with each other. They had 4 keyboards btw. HAha... and the crowd is juz crazy....! ANd Beer was sitting beside this old man who claims to be the dad of the keyboardist.... right.....
Oh, not to forgot, my dear Butcher from Montreal Pool Room has changed his cheese! He used inferior cheese for the poutine the other time. But i gave him one more chance today, and its back to the good old poutine! HAah... the cheese that melts with the hot sauce and piping fries!
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