seriously, i think i enjoy studying what i'm studying... i was in the library at 1830, reading my journal readings for 'deviations in child psychology', preparing for my test on thurs when i realized that i seriously enjoy what i'm reading and studying. The mind boggling hypothesis, controversial statements seem to provide some answers. Yet, posing further qns.... The manifestation of ADHD in childhood into conduct disorder is considered as single disorder; or does the markers in ADHD merely constitute risk/intermediary factors to the development of conduct disorder?! The journal rambles on and on only to reflect that it is inconclusive! how nice..
On another note, i was leaving mcgill and appreciating its charm on a lazy evening when the sky aint as bright and the sun aint that warm... and i start to appreciate the fact that i'm gonna be living in a BIG BIG BIG air-conditioner for the next 4 months! hhaa.. thank god for everything:D
P.S. i'd REALLY like to show you a a panoromic view of mcgill... but i would look like an idiot taking a video... as if it doesn look bad enuf that i took 2 pics...

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